H&H Adhesive Application Machine - scraper technology

Dosing and Processing Technology

Adhesive application machines for coating with hotmelts, reactive adhesives, glues and dispersions.

In principle, the basic design of our 'thermo' is always identical. Nevertheless, there are also many differences and solutions here depending on application case. We can determine the best standard machine together with you - talk to us!

Technical data (using the example of the illustrated TH 300 PU)

  • PU design for reactive adhesives
  • 300 mm application width
  • Weight 140 kg
  • Rated output 3.3 kW
  • Operating voltage 400 V
  • For mounting on a base frame
  • Application speed up to 45 m/min
  • Material gap height 0-50 mm
  • Application unit Teflon-coated
  • With or without differential speed
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H&H Maschinenbau GmbH
Dosing and Processing Technology

Bespoke adhesive application systems. As an ÖKOPROFIT-certified company, H&H Klebetechnologie designs and manufactures innovative adhesive application machines and accessories.

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Dispensing and application systems
Dispensing adhesives, sealants, potting systems
Size of application surface
cm²-/cm³ range - workpieces
m² range - components
Degree of automation
fully automated
stationary unit
Application Types
line, bead application
spray application
roll application
scraper technology
Material Feeding / drive system
Material Feeding / Packaging unit
sticks/ blocks/ granulate
dispensing components
rotation system
Chemical Basis
Sealant - Butyl
hotmelts EVA, PA, PO, acrylate
hotmelts PUR
hotmelts EP
hotmelts POR
Curing mechanisms
warm-/hot curing
hot melting process

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