Listing - Adhesive and Sealant Technologies
Become a Substratec Partner: Companies in the adhesives industry and a range of services in the fields of bonding systems, surface and processing technologies can find out more about their listing possibilities at©.
USP text: Allows you to display information about your company's products and/or services using USP teaser text (max. 160 characters) and image.
Product description extended: Entering and displaying additional information about your range of services (e.B. processing instructions, etc.). Free text range up to 500 characters. Forwarding product details, technical data sheets, videos or information flyer as a download or as a link to your website.
Technical data & contact to the provider: Below is an exemplary presentation of technical data embedded in©. The contact form provides direct access to technical experts.
The performance of adhesive systems, sealants, dosing and processing technology, surface treatment and coatings as well as modern additive manufacturing processes continue to improve, and their range of applications increase. Substratec Ltd. has developed a data-supported search concept that considerably simplifies the complex preliminary search for a system solutions for several industries.
Contact Form
The search results from SUBSTRATEC are not sales recommendations and/or professional technical advice. It is only intended to make it easier for the user to pre-select suitable system that may be available. SUBSTRATEC gives no guarantee that the system suggested is successful or suitable for the specific area of application of the user. In the event of any questions regarding the use and suitability for the specific application, the user has the possibility to directly contact the respective technical contact person of the relevant manufacturer or supplier. See for further information Terms of Use.