Adhesive Bonding Technology
EUKALIN 615 VB is the go-to product for superior bonding due to its excellent adhesion to recycled and most difficult substrate materials.
Suitable for a wide range of applications in paper and board converting:
- bonding of paper & cardboard also printed & lacquered
- carton closing
- production of trays
- covering cartons
- folding boxes
Product properties
- high adhesion
- clean machine running
- high thermostability (processing)
- low tailng (angel hair)
- high bonding strength in the range 35°C to +60°C (depending on substrate and design or geometry; own tests are necessary)
- low odour
EUKALIN Spezial-Klebstoff Fabrik GmbH is a medium-sized company with more than 111 years of experience in development, production and distribution of high-quality adhesives.
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