Systems for integration (DispensingStation)

Dosing and Processing Technology

The Scheugenpflug DispensingStation is a modern plug & produce integration solution for flexible dispensing and fast cycle times.

The heart of the system, the new DS803 dispensing controller, allows integrators and automation engineers to quickly and reliably integrate a high-performance dispensing system in their production systems. The dispensing monitoring system can also be integrated to meet the ever-growing quality and documentation requirements for dispensing processes. The DispensingStation is so versatile it can be used for all dispensing tasks and materials. The dispensing controller enables the high-performance DosP DP2001 dispenser as well as the low-volume DosPL DPL2001dispenser –mounted onportal axis systems or robots – to be conveniently integrated in existing and new production lines.


  • Quick and reliable integration in production systems
  • Ready for new innovative dispensing software functions
  • Extensive data communication thanks to BUS systems
  • Optional integration via robots or portal axis systems
  • User-friendly visualization
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Scheugenpflug GmbH
Dosing and Processing Technology

Scheugenpflug GmbH is a leading manufacturer of technologically advanced systems for efficient adhesive bonding, dispensing and potting processes.

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Dispensing and application systems
Dispensing adhesives and sealants
Size of application surface
mm²-/mm³range - precision parts
cm²-/cm³ range - workpieces
Degree of automation
fully automated
stationary unit
Application Types
dot application
line, bead application
casting, sealing
1-part systems
2-part systems
Measurement technology
Test technologies
control systems
PCS driven

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